Arrive to the courts completely equipped while carrying the Babolat Pure Drive 12 Pack Racquet Bag. Designed for the ultimate player looking to get the most out of their bag, this one has been updated for 2021 and features two compartments, both which have Isothermal Protection and can hold up to five racquets each while the middle compartment is just as large and has room for five racquets as well or can carry other gear. There are exterior pockets with internal organizational features for your smaller items and accessories as well as a vented pocket ideal for carrying shoes or dirty gear. Traveling with this bag will be comfortable when utilizing the attached, padded backpack straps and the quick grab handles make it easy to grab and go.
Smaller than the Pure Drive 12 Pack, the Babolat Pure Drive 6 Pack Racquet Bag is just the right size for the player that doesn’t want to be weighed down but wants to come to the courts prepared! Newly designed and fresh cosmetics for 2021, this bag has two main compartments, one which features a white Isothermal Protection to keep your racquet and strings safe from extreme elements. There is an exterior ventilated pocket with ideal for carrying shoes or dirty gear. Both sides of this bag both have an exterior accessory pocket with internal organizational features to keep your smaller items easy to get to. The attached, adjustable backpack straps are comfortable and easy to carry while there are grab handles on the top and middle of the bag making it simple to grab and go.
Keep your tennis gear safe and organized in the Babolat Pure Drive Backpack 2025. This 32-liter bag is perfect for the player on the go as it can be easily carried hands-free. Keep your stuff secure with a lockable zipper and fold the racquet compartment down to keep it out of the way when not in use. Perfect for performance players looking for the best and complete functions to carry their whole equipment, in a committed design bag.
As a discerning tennis player, you’re in search of a backpack with a sporty and bold design, meticulously crafted for your favorite sport, which will prove just as functional once off the court to best accompany you in your everyday travels.